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Scouts - Merit Badges


As if learning to sail in a remote, tropical paradise isn't enough, guess what? You can keep your parents happy and impress your Scoutmaster by completing additional merit badges during your trip!

All our Captains are BSA registered as Adult Leaders and as Small Boat Sailing Merit Badge Counselors, so, if you want to complete the requirements for this Merit Badge let us know and you can do it while you learn to sail with us.

The key to completing each of these Merit Badges is preparation! You and your crew can set aside time to review your merit badge notes, put in the ground work and then ask your Adult Leaders to help you with the assessment. Make sure your adult leaders bring the criteria and guidelines and are registered as a Counsellor for that badge.

This is a list of the badges typically tackled by Scouts:

  • Small Boat Sailing
  • Fishing
  • Snorkeling
  • Cooking
  • Astronomy

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